Tuesday, January 1, 2008


New year, new blog.
When I was pregnant with my son, I had big plans for introducing him to the world. We'd take advantage of his summer birthday and my maternity leave and take walks every day, maybe visit our local zoo, spend some time playing in the back yard. Like many plan of first time parents, nothing really came to fruition. We would take walks sometimes, but Grayson wasn't a big fan of sunlight (I've since learned that most tiny babies aren't). The zoo never did happen, and just as the weather was starting to cool off and Grayson was becoming more sun tolerant he was hospitalized for three weeks and came home with a feeding tube. Long story shorter, my plans may not have worked out as I would have liked, but I still want to get Grayson outside and try to teach to value the natural world. I'm hoping that writing down my ideas here will keep me honest in attempting them. I'd also love to here other parents' ideas successes and failures in this area. Hopefully we'll be able to get our kids to want to head back into the woods.

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